Research Discoveries, References
1. Kuhn F. To peel or not to peel: That is the question. Editorial. Ophthalmology. 2002, 109:9-11.
2. Morris, RE, Kuhn F, Witherspoon CD. Management of the recently injured eye with no light perception
vision. Vitreoretinal surgery of the injured eye. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Alfaro, V., Liggett, P. Chapter
11,113-125, 1998.
3. Morris RE, Moore T, Nelson S, et al. Laser cerclage prophylaxis against retinal detachment in bilateral
pseudophakia. Proceedings of the American Society of Retinal Surgeons and Retinal Society Joint
Meeting, San Francisco, California, September 2002.
4. Morris RE, MD, Shere JL,Witherspoon CD, et al. Intraoperative
retinal detachment prophylaxis in vitrectomy for retained cataract fragments. Journal of Cataract and
Refractive Surgery, May 2009 Volume 35, Issue 3, Pages 491-495.
5. Sapp MR, Morris, RE, Witherspoon CD, et al. Prophylactic Silicone Oil Placement For Retinal
Detachments With Grades A and B Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy. Proceedings of The Retina Society,
Boston, Massachussetts, September 2007.
6. Morris RE, Oltmanns MH, Lewis GM. Maculopexy: A New Treatment for Diffuse Diabetic Macular Edema.
Proceedings of ARVO, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 4 – 5, 2012.
7. Morris RE, Witherspoon CD, Kimble JA, et al. Vitreous Opacity Vitrectomy (VOV) for Degenerative
Vitreous Syndrome (DVS) – Let’s Talk About Floaters. Winner of the Buckler Award for Best
Videos. Proceedings from the America Society of Retina Specialists Annual Meeting, Indian Wells,
California, December 2007.
8. Reddy DM, Oltmanns MH, Sapp MR, et al. Vitrectomy with Intentional Bullous Retinal Detachment to
Mobilize and Move Recent Subfoveal Hemorrhage in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Proceedings
from ARVO, Seattle, Washington, May 2013.
9. Master Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery. (Ed. F. Hampton Roy) Williams & Wilkins. Chapter 72, 2014.
Endophthalmitis. Morris, R., Sapp, MR., Oltmanns, MH (in press).